Provides Building Blocks
to tailor an investment portfolio utilizing portfolio construction practices which is essential to a well-balanced portfolio aligned to  an investor’s risk & reward KYC profile.
Guidance for Portfolio Construction
to understand how different platform companies, value & maturity and return & risk profile within investment vehicles and weightings impact an investor’s objectives.
Aligned to
Investment Life Cycle
3 key investment goals: Building Wealth, Preserving wealth, Enhancing income.
At each investment lifecycle stage, portfolios reflect the investment goals and objectives of the life cycle.
Exposure to Venture Capital & Private Equity capital deployment
along the S-Curve will increase the potential for a portfolios to generating investment alpha in non-correlated assets & increases the protection of an investor’s portfolio.
Syndications align
iPC, Investors and Founders with a goal of maximizing wealthcreation
Institutional investors believe co-investments in private equity will improve returns and give better access to opportunities.
In a co-investment, the investor invests alongside iPC & Founders.